FYSICA 2023 at TU Delft

FYSICA is the annual physics conference of the Netherlands' Physical Society (NNV). The event is always organised in cooperation with a Dutch university and this year it will be hosted by the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) on Friday May 26. Indoles Precision will be present and we are happy to discuss your motion [...]

2023-05-15T06:56:49+02:0015 mei, 2023|

Optomechatronics Symposium March 30 Veldhoven

On March 30, the fifth edition of the DSPE initiative, that started in 2013 as the DSPE Optics and Optomechatronics Symposium, will take place. Engineers and architects strongly related to design and building of optical hardware will gather to discuss current innovation and latest developments in optomechatronics. Scope of the event, on which Indoles Precision [...]

2023-01-06T18:12:46+01:006 januari, 2023|

Successful Precision Fair 2022

De Precisiebeurs in 's Hertogenbosch was ook dit jaar weer een groot succes wat betreft netwerken en samenwerken. Dit evenement trekt steeds meer bedrijven en bezoekers uit de hele Europese regio vanwege het unieke en hoogwaardige hightech aanbod. Wij vonden het geweldig om weer deel te kunnen nemen en willen het Mikrocentrum bedanken voor de [...]

2022-11-22T18:30:16+01:0022 november, 2022|

Meet us at Precision Fair 2022

Indoles Precision will exhibit also on this year’s Precision Fair (Precisiebeurs), to be held on November 16 and 17 at the Brabanthallen in 's-Hertogenbosch. The Precision Fair  is the main yearly event in the Netherlands for precision engineering, and offers an exiting insight in the state-of-the-art technology in this field. Feel free to drop by [...]

2022-10-29T17:50:51+02:0020 oktober, 2022|

Partnership signed with Piezomotion

Indoles Precision is excited to announce a partnership with Piezomotion Corp. We believe the innovative Piezomotion products offer unique drive solutions in terms of precision, compactness and cost-effectiveness that allow for cutting-edge end-customer products. Piezomotion is a Florida, USA, based company and leader in the design and manufacturer of piezoelectric motion and control technologies, based [...]

2022-09-16T11:57:41+02:0018 augustus, 2022|

Indoles Precision on Precision Fair 2021

Indoles Precision will exhibit on this year’s Precision Fair (Precisiebeurs), to be held on November 10 and 11 at the Brabanthallen in 's-Hertogenbosch. The Precision Fair  is the main yearly event in the Netherlands for precision engineering, and offers an exiting insight in the state-of-the-art technology in this field. Feel free to drop by at booth [...]

2021-11-04T15:09:29+01:0015 oktober, 2021|

Precibeo cooperation started

Per 1 maart 2021 is Indoles Precision de samenwerking aangegaan met Precibeo AB. Precibeo, gevestigd in het Zweedse Uppsala, ontwikkelt lineaire sledes op basis van de Piezomotor LEGS aandrijf principe. Deze maken een relatief hoge aandijfkracht en cm slag mogelijk in een compacte bouwvorm, inclusief positie encoder. De besturing dmv een joy stick maakt deze [...]

2021-03-20T11:45:47+01:0019 maart, 2021|

Precision Fair & MicroNano Conference impressions

Both the Precision Fair in Veldhoven and the MicroNano Conference in Utrecht turned out to be very effective and in a pleasant atmosphere. The organisation of the events has been exceptional- as usual- and they again proved to be great opportunities to communicate in both directions the needs and possibilities of the industry and research [...]

2020-01-07T11:55:41+01:007 januari, 2020|

Microsystems and Nanotechnology Conference

Indoles Precision will participate as exhibitor on the Microsystems and Nanotechnology  Conference, which will be held at the brand new SuperNova Jaarbeurs Utrecht (NL) on December 10-11. The international event  focuses on Dutch and international businesses, universities and research centers and offers a great opportunity to bring these areas together to stimulate cooperation, knowledge and innovation. [...]

2019-10-04T12:57:14+02:004 oktober, 2019|

I-P on Precision Fair 2019

Indoles Precision will exhibit on this year's Precision Fair (Precisiebeurs), to be held on November 13 and 14 at the NH Koningshof in Veldhoven. The Precision Fair  is the main yearly event in the Netherlands for precision engineering, and offers an exiting insight in the state-of-the-art technology in this field. Feel free to drop by [...]

2019-10-04T12:58:23+02:004 oktober, 2019|
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